The creation of a leporello may seem like a straightforward technique, but it actually requires a lot of precision and attention to detail to ensure that all the folds align properly!

For a leporello, starting from one side and folding progressively can lead to unexpected results. The cuts to the formats must be very precise and done before the folds and the gluing of the different paper strips.

It’s better to fold visually by aligning corner to corner. Begin with the central fold, then divide into four by aligning folds toward the center, and so on.

If the number of pages is odd, starting with the page to the left of the center ensures that the first page is as precise as possible. Another option is to first fold the last fold to the right and then fold the majority in two, in four, etc.

When the leporello is composed of several pieces of paper, the glue between two paper strips should not fall on a fold or in the middle of a page. The placement of the glue between two sheets must be calculated to fall just beside a fold (preferably to the left of the fold, in a valley) to be as discreet as possible.

Also, the gluing process is delicate; it must be perfectly perpendicular to the head of the leporello. Ideally, it is done by aligning with a ruler of the length of the papers.

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